About me

Sabine Appelhagen

About me

Sabine Appelhagen
Sabine Appelhagen - Certified Media Trainer - Business Coach - Crisis Communications Manager

For 20 Years

My customers and clients have trusted me for 20 years. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds - but they all have one goal: to exist and inspire in the eyes of the public. This applies to direct communication as well as to communication in the media via camera, monitor and virtual communication. My seminars and individual coaching sessions are always based on individual needs. We set goals together and achieve them usually in a surprisingly short time.

You benefit from my extensive professional experience: As a long-time journalist and presenter (including ProSieben, Bayerischer Rundfunk), I know the rules of the media game and I'm happy to pass on this knowledge. I worked in front of and behind the camera at ProSieben for 15 years, and hosted several radio shows at Bayerischer Rundfunk for five years.

Seit 20 Jahren vertrauen mir meine Kunden und Klienten.
At a talk at "Her Career 2021"

The study of communication science

was followed by further training and studies: certified trainer (PH Heidelberg), business coach (IHK), studies in media management (MBA) at the Steinbeis University Berlin.

Certified Media TrainerI have been working as a university lecturer and lecturer at various universities and institutes for several years. Since 2021 I have been a certified media trainer and board member of the "Bundesverband für Medientraining in Deutschland" (BMTD).

Below you will find further information about my seminars, lectures and professional positions.

Training offer

Media training

  • Media and interview training
  • Media training for scientists
  • Media training for press spokespersons
  • Intensive interview training
  • Crisis communication

Moderation training

  • Moderation for TV and events
  • Moderating events and discussions
  • Moderating with the teleprompter
  • Moderation and speeches for social media

Virtual communication

  • Professional interviews and press conferences in virtual space
  • Lead and moderate virtual business meetings
  • Design and moderate webinars
  • My virtual self
  • My virtual elevator pitch

Business communication and rhetoric

  • Effective communication and rhetoric
  • Rhetoric Compact
  • Storytelling for managers
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Confident appearance at work
  • Stage coaching for speakers
  • Communication training for women



  • "ZOOM Fatigue – Warum es Frauen bei ZOOM und Co schwerer haben, und was sie dagegen tun können"
    University of Augsburg


  • "Mein Virtuelles Ich – 90 Minuten für ein besseres Auftreten in virtuellen Meetings"
    Federal Association of Medium-Sized Businesses, BVMW and Business Development Association Starnberg, GWT

2018 + 2019

  • "Powerkommunikation für Business Ladies: Klare Ansagen mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht"
    HerCareer, Munich

2018 + 2019

  • "Ihr Auftritt, Bitte! Die 8 besten Strategien für einen souveränen Auftritt"
    HerCareer, Munich


  • "Weibliche Kommunikationsstärken nutzen"
    Women's network of the municipal utilities Munich


  • "Frauen in der Wirtschaft: Weibliche Kommunikationsstärken nutzen"
    Media advice for the Bavarian economy, Munich


  • "Best Practices in Communications: How to Explain Scientific Results to a Wide Audience Outside the Scientific Community"
    EU Commission, Oslo and Milan

Work as a lecturer and trainer

2004 - present

  • Lecturer in the program "Manage and More"

2002 - present

  • Lecturer at the "Akademie der Bayerischen Presse"

2007 - 2019

  • Lecturer at the Media Academy Munich
    FH Mittweida

2012 - 2018

  • Lecturer at the Chamber of Commerce Bozen (WIFI)

2007 - 2015

  • Lecturer at the Goethe Institute
    Leadership training

2011 - 2012

  • Lecturer at the Institute for Moderation (IMO)
    University of Stuttgart

2011 - 2012

  • Lecturer at the Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg

Career history

2004 - present

  • APPELHAGEN MEDIA Public Speaking & Media Coaching
    Owner / Trainer / Business Coach

2004 - present

  • APPELHAGEN-Management

1998 - 2004

  • ProSieben - Management of the moderators - Casting / Coaching, ProSieben
    Freelance work as a moderation trainer and speaker

1989 - 1997

  • Bayerischer Rundfunk
    Moderator and editor at Bayern 3 / Bayern 2

1989 - 1998

  • Program moderation at ProSieben
    Live moderation of various events


2020 - present

  • Board of Directors in "Bundesverband für Medientraining in Deutschland", BMTD e.V.

2019 - present

  • Partner in the network for female entrepreneurs, Seesalon gGmbH

Here you can download the complete CV as a PDF (German language).