Virtual Communication

Perfectly prepared for virtual interviews, press conferences and online meetings

20 Years APPELHAGEN MEDIACorporate communication is becoming virtual: interviews, press conferences, product presentations, pitches, meetings, hybrid events, webinars. The possible uses of virtual platforms cover almost all areas of corporate communication.

What they all have in common: professional appearance determines success or failure. That's why you should plan your virtual presence well - and adapt it to your company's CI.

In these trainings we teach you the basics of image composition, lighting, handling the camera and the technical implementation of virtual performances. You will learn more about choosing the right platform and know the subtleties and pitfalls.

And you optimize your personal performance. Body language and eye contact are just as important as authentic and easily understandable language. You will learn how you can plan and prepare your presentations and still speak freely.

Each format has its own rules - we will be happy to advise and support you.

Our Training Virtual Communication:

Virtual Communication - Dates 2024:

All Dates Virtual Communication 2024